Improving and maintaining the community is one of the main responsibilities of a Municipal Utility District, commonly referred to as a MUD. The Board of Directors for HCMUD 504 would like to highlight some of the projects they supported in the maintenance, beautification, and protection of the Groves.

In January the District completed paving facilities to serve West Lake Grove Drive and Williams Gully Trail Street. The contractor completed the paving, signage, wheelchair ramps, pavers, and other items.
In addition, detention and mass grading was completed to serve The Groves, Section 40.
The new Detention Pond was completed. The pond reduces the threat of flooding, while enhancing the environment and wildlife.

In the spirit of District and resident safety, at the March 2023 regular meeting, the Board unanimously voted to increase the number of patrol and security officers in The Groves. This increased law enforcement presence will be a visible deterrent to potential wrongdoers as well as provide residents with an increased sense of security.
Following an extensive review on the fire hydrants within the District, the Board approved maintenance and painting; this project was completed in April. Also, Construction was completed for water, sewer, and drainage facilities to serve West Lake Grove Drive and Williams Gully Trail Street Dedication.

Approval of Booster pump #7. This booster pump adds the necessary pressure needed to move water through the plumbing or from a storage tank. It also can potentially raise residents water pressure.
The Board attended the Association of Water Board Directors (AWBD) conference in Corpus Christi Texas. The conferences’ goal is the betterment of Texas water district operations and management through education, unification, and advocacy.
Underground Storage tank approval. An underground storage tank allows the District to utilize the space above them for other purposes. The Groves is dedicated to beautiful landscaping and the underground tank means the District will
have the water storage needed without sacrificing the views of residents homes.

The District operator, after discussion with the Board, temporarily converted the disinfectant used in the distribution system from chloramine to free chlorine. The conversion continued for approximately four (4) weeks.
Water, sewage, drainage, and paving facilities to serve Gramina Way Street Dedication were completed.

The Directors of HC504 heard the concerns of the residents and implemented a new text alert system to better communicate important news. The Board realized that being able to connect with residents directly and quickly through text and email was key in emergency situations. The new notification system will give the District a direct line of communication to residents when time is of the essence.
Also approved was the Madera Run Parkway Expansion (from Hickory Arroyo Drive to Radura Road) This expansion will help with traffic and make commutes more enjoyable for residents.
The steel tank construction was complete. The contractor finished work on the underground piping and tank coatings.