Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 504 (HCMUD 504) and Harris County Precinct 3 are working together on a joint project to improve roadways in our area, the expansion of Madera Run Parkway (from Hickory Arroyo Drive to Radura Road).

This project’s anticipated start date is May 28, 2024, weather permitting, with a completion date around September 2024. As the project nears completion, residents can expect signs to go up and new traffic patterns established, as well as a constable on-site to help direct traffic for the first day; this is to aid the safety of the community and its residents as everyone gets used to the changes. During construction, the Madera Run Parkway sidewalk between Hickory Arroyo Drive and Radura Road will be closed. The homes most impacted by this project will be those along Drummond Maple and Gramina Way.
A notice will be posted on the website when the project begins, to remind residents to be safe and vigilant as they travel near the area, and additional updates will be provided through the completion of the project. The Board of Directors thanks all residents in advance for their patience during the summer and is looking forward to these improvements to Madera Run Parkway.
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